What do Middle School Counselors Do?
Middle School Counselors work with students to address their career, personal, social, and educational needs and concerns. School counselors are trained to provide short-term, solution-focused counseling services. They provide students with career exploration activities to assist them in the development and utilization of short and long-range education and career plans.
A Message from Bernard's Counselors:
Our role is to improve student success academically, emotionally, and socially. We work hard to create positive relationships with students. When students enter the Bernard counseling center, we make sure each of them feels safe, heard, and understood.
Click HERE to request to see a counselor
School-Based Counseling Services:
Mehlville School District partners with several outside agencies that provide school-based therapy. These school-based counselors provide services such as crisis intervention, individual counseling, and small groups on topics such as friendships, anger, grief, and more. A student can be referred to these counseling services by contacting your school counselor.
Here are some reasons students might want to talk to the School Counselor:
- "I had an argument with my best friend, and she doesn't want to be my friend anymore."
- "My parents always argue, and I don't know what to do."
- "My grandfather is really sick, and I'm scared he's going to die."
- "My mom just had a baby, and she doesn't have time for me anymore."
- "We're moving again!"
- "My dad wants me to be an engineer like him, but I want to be a pilot."
Here are some reasons parents might want to talk to the School Counselor:
- "This is John's third school this year, and he's having difficulty adjusting."
- "My husband is being deployed in two weeks, and Carolyn may need some help coping with this change."
- "Sam used to be excited about school, but lately, he doesn't seem to care."
- "My wife and I recently separated, and our daughter could use some help understanding this."
ASCA: Role of Middle School Counselors